Wednesday, September 29, 2004

I will not obsess. I will not obsess. I will not obsess.

Last night, I woke up at 3:30 with the desperate urge to urinate (which I never wake up for in the middle of the night). After disentangling myself from the blankets, I made a mad dash to the bathroom, finished my business and then felt a different desperate urge, and well - puked. Lovely eh?

(I will not obsess)

For the last week or so, I could have easily slept through world war III. I usually wake up many times during the night, but I've been "out cold." And today I overslept so badly that I didn't make it here until almost 11 a.m. And I'm falling asleep sitting at my desk today.

(I will not obsess)

My boobs, while usually rather large, are now swollen and spilling out of the top and sides of my bra. They're so swollen, and look like a roadmap with the blue veins criss crossing them (although I don't put too much weight into that because I'm so white I glow in the dark... and you can often see my veins).

(I will not obsess)

The bleeding has stopped. I have dull cramps, but they're *twingy*

(I will not obsess)

O.k. I lied. I am obsessing...


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