A firm word - even when my voice shakes
Sometimes, all you need to do is to be strong and put your foot down.
Sometimes, all you need is just the strength to get through the day.
A 26 year old lawyer with a funny accent, a big heart and big hair trying to battle the "system". Warning... conspiracy theories abound.
Sometimes, all you need to do is to be strong and put your foot down.
I don't understand what exactly the point of stringing me along like this is. I mean, if you're just not that into me - be upfront - let me know. I think it would be easier on us if we were just honest with each other. I don't want to hurt your feelings, but you're not exactly known as an endurance performer. Most of the time, I'm almost ashamed to say that I'm left wondering "is that it?" But we were a partnership, so I forgave that - and looked more to the fact that hey - at least you were here for as long as you were. But, I'm tired of taking up for you when other people say you're just a two pump chump.
Yeah! I got tagged... huzzah.
Michael and I have a tongue in cheek system of "good husband points" that he can acquire (or that can be deducted) for random acts of kindness to me (deducted for things that are not quite so nice).
I don't remember who it was - Bugs? Aakeyu? who blogged awhile back about infertility being the equivalent of measuring out our lives in coffee spoons.* I just realized this morning that my period is late. Not terribly late mind you, and yes, it's been this late before, but still, it's late. And there's no spotting - no cramps, which I always have three to five days before. Of course, now that I've said that, you know that I'll be desperately looking for tampons by the end of the hour.
Since my new R.E. who yes, I am also absolutely in love with bears an uncanny resemblance to Morgan Freeman (so much so that I was concerned in our meeting yesterday that perhaps we were on some sort of mysterious celebrity hosted candid camera remake.
Oh wait. Apparently the new R.E. thinks we do. An aggressive one, that wastes absolutely no time.
Well, it's working. You girls raaaaaawwwwwwwkkkkkk! I wish that I could thank each and every one of you in person for the support you've given me. It's amazingly comforting to have this complete network of people who are so supporting, so giving. I am so incredibly thankful for each of you.
There's some really serious stuff going down in our house right now... stuff that I'm not comfortable talking about here. Stuff that has far reaching ramifications to our entire futures.
Michael and I were talking the other day about how hard our infertility is on me. He asked me if I truly wanted an infant that badly, or if maybe it was that the feeling of being broken, of inadequacy was fueling the fire to conceive no matter what the cost - no matter what the emotional or physical toll. At first it stung that he said that. It's not about being broken. But the more I reflected on it... it is. It is about being broken. It is about feeling like less of a woman.
The street we live on is lined with large stately oak trees that provide a wide canopy to the houses below. This morning as I walked out on the front porch, around eight squirrels were busy hoarding acorns that were falling from the trees like rain. All down the street squirrels and chipmunks were busy scurrying from yard to yard, their mouths stuffed with nuts.
Michael's mom just gave us a little white convertible MG. It's going to need some restoration, but I am PSYCHED. My Dad's a genius when it comes to fixing cars up, and he's going to come up and have it taken down on a trailer and have it worked on.
When my mother was pregnant with me, she crocheted a big blue, green and yellow afghan. She didn't know if I was a boy or a girl, so she wanted it to be something that was fairly gender neutral.
On Wed. nights we usually go to a local microbrew pub for dinner. It's sort of a replacement for our old Wed. night haunt which was a hole in the wall clam shack.
When we moved here, Michael bought football season tickets for his undergrad school. The woman next me spent the entire time talking to her husband about how swollen her feet are... how tired she is... rubbing her noticably round belly - mutter that she just doesn't understand how her friend is having such a hard time getting pregnant - I mean all you have to do is have sex - how hard is that?
I often have incredibly vivid bizarre dreams that are of epic proportions. This last one was a doozy though...
Blogging for me has been incredibly cathartic. My blog became a confessional of sorts, where I could lament the failings of my body, the stress it was causing on my marriage ... and just talk about the every day mundane things that irritated me.
When I opened my paycheck yesterday I had an "oh SHIT" moment. I have those often, if you've noticed.